Solutions designed for your business.

At La Rocca we develop espresso coffee machines made completely by hand since 1985, meeting the needs and requirements of the best baristas, guaranteeing them to serve the perfect cup of coffee to all coffee lovers.

Discover everything we can do for you and your business under our unique Distributor Partner concepts by La Rocca.




Sturdiness and high performance


Unique concept with our partners



Detalle de una parte de la máquina de café Retro

Why La Rocca?

The base of any well-brewed coffee is a simply perfect espresso shot: with an exceptional crema, body and intact properties. The most important thing about coffee!

To get the perfect espresso, all La Rocca models offer as standard some unique and essential features exclusive to La Rocca:

Detalle de los portafiltros en máquina de café La Rocca

Sturdiness and Design

Reliability and quality tested since 1985. Handmade manufacturing with exhaustive R+D+i.

Detalle de los botones y portafiltros de la máquina de café Venezia en colore negro

PTC System

Pressure and temperature control, two essential features to produce the best cup of coffee.

Detalle de los cables y sistema de una máquina La Rocca en fabricación.

Temperature Stability

Our machines stand out for their temperature stability and technical performance.

Detalle de los portafiltros acabado madera de la máquina de café Venezia en colore negro

BRI Program

Before each launch, our machines are tested by baristas and other professionals in the sector.

Detalle de una mano tocando los cables de una máquina La Rocca en fabricación

ESM (Easy Service & Maintenance)

Quick and easy access to all the components of the machine, to facilitate its maintenance.

Detalle de unas manos con llave inglesa tocando los cables de los botones de una máquina La Rocca.

Global Support

We have a global network of technicians and distributors for the peace of mind of our customers.

Detalle de vaso de café con café encima de la máquina de café Retro
Joe Purcell
Distributor Partner in Europe
"La Rocca offers an exclusive concept to its distributors around the world, which makes them unique."

Discover La Rocca Range

Cubiq Serie

Robust and attractive, Cubiq offers performance as exceptional as its features: PID control, pre-infusion... and much more.

Retro Serie

Retro design with high quality details, outstanding performance and all the features of a great machine in a reduced format.

Máquina de café profesional encima de círculo azul de dos grupos en color blanco y con acabados en madera La Rocca Chile.
Venezia Serie

Our jewel in the crown. A machine that offers the best features on the market with a beautiful design. Reliability and quality.

Detalle de frente de la máquina profesional de café espresso Alin de La Rocca encima de un círculo azul en color negro.
Alin Serie

Great extraction and emulsion power in small dimensions. It has the largest boiler on the market in machines of its same range.

La Rocca Retro












25cm x 41cm x 41cm



Become a
Home Barista !



*Final B2C price.

Imagen de la máquina de café La Rocca Retro con un molino La Rocca y taza de café